Recently the comments on this blog have been bombarded with spam comments. Please stop sending spam comments disguised as legitimate comments because I will delete the comment before it goes onto the site. Thanks.
As for the update;
I am working on several articles that are updates to existing posts and one large post on a mall that will rival the size and material of the Belle Promenade Mall article that I posted in 2012. This and much more is still in store for the rest of 2013. As for 2014, I am still seriously considering retiring from creating posts on the blog. I will continue to reply to comments and post reader submitted articles, but I have accomplished most of what I set off to accomplish with this blog.
Stay tuned.
Here are some photos that I missed with the New Orleans Centre Mall Post.
From the window of the former Lord & Taylor Anchor.

The former Macy's anchor with a cover over the Macy's logo.

Here are a couple of photos from the windows of the former food court on the 1st level. I am not sure what they were doing inside, but it has probably been finished by now.