Now for our last Shreveport area Mall. Here is the Pierre Bossier Mall in Bossier City Louisiana. This mall seems to be in serious trouble and is probably at the point of no return. Kohan is also the owner of this mall which is just a few miles across the Red River from Shreveport. While 4 out of the 5 anchor spots are filled, the interior mall is in dire straits. The food court has no restaurants, roughly 75% of the interior spaces are vacant, and ceiling drips/stains from water damage are in numerous areas of the mall. Foot traffic on this visit was very light with mostly mall-walkers and store employees. The mall is listed as having 650,000 square feet of retail space. 34 Businesses are listed on their current online directory including kiosks.
Recent news articles about the mall
This mall has the misfortune of being located right in between 2 newer shopping destinations. The Boardwalk with over 500,000 square feet of retail to the West, and around a million square feet of retail to the North at Airline and I-220. The Boardwalk is struggling to retain retail tenants just like this mall but still has a very popular Bass Pro Shop. Bossier City has a population of just over 62,000 people. Between these 3 areas that is over 2 million square feet of retail, way too much. The metro area of Shreveport has just under 400,000 people, but the metro area has been losing population at a steady rate for decades. South Shreveport has a very popular shopping corridor along Youree Drive and Mall St. Vincent that pretty much eliminate the need to ever go to Bossier City to shop.
The I-20 road sign hasn't been updated in a very long time. Only Dillard's and JCPenney on this list are still in business at the mall.
The Dillard's here is very old school. You will get to see a few shots of the interior of the store which has not been renovated throughout the years.
Sloan formals has taken the place of David's bridal.
The former Sears.
Former Sears.
This mall entrance facing I-20 near Sears was probably planned for a future anchor store. A large local vendor market is held here every couple of months of so, but there is not much going on down here most of the time.
One of the newer attractions at the mall, Surge entertainment by Drew Brees. From what I can see online, this place is similar to a Main Event. Surge Entertainment unfortunately does not have interior mall access.
Forever 21 is still open surprisingly. I am very surprised that this store made it through the company bankruptcy. Besides the UPS truck there were only 4 cars parked outside.
The old-school pierre bossier mall sign is looking really bad these days.
There was a circus in town though!
This road sign West of JCPenney was gone.
Food court entrance along with JCPenney.
You will be very disappointed if you go to this entrance looking for food. There is only one restaurant left inside of the mall, located across the mall at the other entrance. Surge Entertainment also has food options, but no mall entrance.
Now for the inside of the mall. Here is the mall map. The mall is a pretty straight forward layout as well from anchor to anchor with a slight curve. In typical deadmall fashion, the directory is out of date. Many of the businesses listed are no longer open.
Pierre would be disappointed in the food court here. Or lack of food!
The former arcade. We will see inside a bit later.
The corridor leading to JCPenney.
JCPenney has downsized their store since our last visit. The extension to their store to the left is now vacant.
Looking from the JCPenney court into the main mall corridor.
Hallmark and a salon are the only open businesses near JCPenney.
Into the food court we go.
The Christmas tree was being put up.
Leaving the food court area, we head to the Forever 21 court.
Forever 21 mall entrance.
Tilting the camera towards the JCPenney corridor.
The space to the left of the food court sign, SoBo Cold Brew has left the mall and has relocated.
Gamestop gone!
Universal Cellular, Bath and Body Works, and Shoe Department Encore are still open.
Universal Cellular is an obvious former Suncoast. Pretty cool to see most of the old store designs still intact.
A retro Bath and Body Works. Not many of these left in 2024.
The wide-open Dillard's and former Service Merchandise court.
Hibbett Sports is surprisingly in an updated store format here. I believe this store was relocated from a spot closer to the former Sears.
A recently closed store.
The Dillard's mal entrance.
You wouldn't know it by looking at this mall entrance, but this Dillard's store is 2-stories. This is the only 2-story anchor at the mall. The second level can easily be missed and is very small.
At the center of the store, you can ride the escalator up to the tiny, second floor. Just take a look around at the old school mirrored ceilings and wood accents.
A Mardi Gras themed Christmas tree. Only in Louisiana.
Gotta love the old school look here in the housewares department.
More of the second floor.
So many vintage 1980's designs here.
On the first floor, we have a lot of vintage design elements in the Men's department as well.
Including this stained-glass ceiling. How many department stores in 2024 still have this look?
Back out into the mall we go.
The tall ceilings make this section of the mall feel really empty. Only a handful of businesses are still left here as well. The most recent Foot Locker location at the mall and FYE from years ago, is now empty.
A cluster of open businesses here include Aeropostle, Jordan, Rainbow, and Journeys Kidz.
Looking at the mall entrance near Sears that was probably built for an anchor expansion that never happened.
The ceiling stains are pretty bad down here.
The loss of Sears was a huge blow to the mall. As you can see, the 4 remaining anchors are clustered into roughly one half of the mall.
A look into the mall entrance shows some surprisingly up to date advertisements for a few stores in the mall.
In the next images, we see more stores that have duplicate stores in Mall St. Vincent.
The Vault, Jordan, and City Gear.
There are a lot of empty storefronts down here as well.
More water-stained ceilings.
Sweet Scents, and more and Bos-Man's Barber Society are tucked away near the former Sears.
The former Sears mall entrance really stands out.
Inside of the former Sears. The power is still on.
Looking from the former Sears into the mall corridor. The anchor courts have tall ceilings, a bit similar to what we saw at Mall St. Vincent.
A closer look at some of the vacant storefronts in front of the former Sears.
In this hallway, we see more water-stained ceilings.
The skylights are in poor condition as well.
Empty storefronts across from Ichiban at the mall entrance.
Ichiban Sushi and Grill is the last restaurant in the mall.
Back to the main mall corridor.
It is difficult to say if the Sears half of the mall or the JCPenney half is emptier. For every 3 or 4 empty spaces, you have an active business.
I believe this was the old Hibbett Sports location.
The skylights here were sealed off probably due to leaks.
The Vault has a second location across the hallway from their main location.
The Vault #1 to the right with Jordan.
Another look at Rainbow.
Aeropostale was a surprising store that was still open here. Mall St. Vincent no longer had a location.
This Sip and Savor kiosk was not open on this visit, but they are in fact still operating.
The former Service Merchandise, former Virginia College, now Surge by Drew Brees. The kids playground is tucked away back here.
Snax, a business that we also saw at Mall St. Vincent.
More of the center court of the mall with Dillard's to the far left.
Spencers, Snax, and this cell phone kiosk were the only businesses down here.
Victoria's Secret is gone.
A pretty creative way to dress up and empty storefront. The Off-The Wall store next door was closed for the day. Not sure if it was still open or not normally.
Shoe Department Encore.
Quilt World was gone.
Footaction, Champs, or Finish Line? Either way, it is gone too.
Zales, gone too!
Slim pickings from the Forever 21 entrance to JCPenney.
The former Sobo coffee place.
Gotta love the old-school JCPenney mirror entrance.
Here are a few views of the JCPenney court.
The Nail Works place near the food court appears to be permanently closed.
Now for a look into the old arcade near the food court. I am pretty sure this was a former Aladdin's Castle.
The neon lights are still going strong in the old arcade space.
Spencer's is still open here, but was gone at Mall St. Vincent. Their Ugly Christmas sweaters are pretty funny. I can't go too far into this store to keep the blog from getting flagged for inappropriate photos. It is hard to believe what they are able to sell in Spencer's these days.
Drip, drip, drip.
Making another pass towards the former Sears.
The Vault #1.
Former Foot Locker.
As I got closer to the former Foot Locker I could hear a drip. The familiar musty old mall smell met me as I got closer to see inside of the old store. I can only imagine that the stuff inside these boxes is ruined by the leaks.

Gold teeth sale!
More views of the mall.
Another recently vacated store space.
Center court.
Lots of water stains here.
For a mall with vacancy issues, this was the only for rent sign that I noticed.
Victoria's secret appeared to have been recently vacated.
Another view of the old school Bath and Body Works.
Shoe Department Encore has their updated design. It was not very long ago that Pierre Bossier Mall was doing well enough to invest in store updates.
Tubbs by Grubbs. The employee here had to be bored out of their mind.
Former Gamestop.
Back to the food court.
Claires is the lone holdout in the former food court. Lids and the restaurants are long-gone.
Hallmark has a display in the mall food court.
I believe the space with the orange painted interior was a former Chik Fil-A.
Click here to listen to the ambiance inside of the nearly vacant food court. Drips in the buckets along with the laughter from the kid rides. Pretty wild!
Now for another short loop from JCPenney back to the Forever 21 mall entrance and back.
The food court entrance entryway ceilings are looking really bad as well.
That is all from Pierre Bossier Mall for this visit. We have one more place left from the December 2024 Shreveport Bossier City tour. It is not a mall, but it was a very beloved store back in the day. Stay tuned!