This is the first of the permanent road entrance signs to the mall.
The entrance to the food court; this is the first mall entrance to get the new signage. All of the entrances have been repainted and are awaiting the new signage.
Updated Aug 11
The Houston Trade Center; is being advertised as a marketplace with retail, jewelry, and food outlets similar to the popular Harwin district nearby. If this building is redeveloped the mall will have a much better image from Highway 59. If this anchor is redeveloped; it would be an amazing feat for a mall that was on life support less than two years ago. How many other malls have been able to fill their empty anchor spots in this recession?
We may soon see this former entrance to Macy's reopened.
The new playground is open; my kids had a blast here.
The Clarewood Mercado now has the new dollar store and grocery open. This large area on the second level will be used to host large parties and possibly small concerts solving the mystery.
The second Mercado is under construction; you can see the drywall piles in the first photo.
Center Court
The new Soccer Y Mas
The new Sheik
Foot Locker New location
On the way to Burlingtons first level.

Here are some of the redevelopment opportunities within the mall.
Palais Royal
The line of closed stores leading to Burlington Coat Factory on the second level.
There are still many storefronts to fill, but management has been aggressively marketing the mall.
Bath and Body Works
Stores just outside of the closed Macy's on the second level.